Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic researchers, therapists and users have all been witness to the powerful healing effects that can come from a psychedelic journey. The days, weeks, even years after a journey are important in determining to what degree one’s experience brings healing, and whether that healing is transient or long-lasting. This period of time, known in research and therapeutic circles as the integration stage, is not often given a lot of attention, but is crucial to maximizing the benefits of your journey.

A psychedelic journey usually leads us into territory we are unfamiliar with, whether that be cosmic realms beyond the physical world and/or into moments from our past that we have not remembered or dealt with. Both of these types of experience can be challenging to process once the journey is over. We may be faced with changing our metaphysical understanding of existence, we may be faced with changing values, we may be faced with trying to process past experiences that we were unconscious to previously.

As well, and this can even be harder than processing all of the new information, after a journey, there are usually insights and choices that a person wants to keep, changes to their life they want to make, but that without support, can often fade. It’s difficult to hold firm to insights and choices while living in a reality that makes it far easier to go back to sleep, a reality that does not reflect back the greater cosmic awareness that you may have experienced, and which supports the status quo, individually and collectively.

For both of these reasons, it is often important to find someone who can help you integrate your journey. That might be a friend who has also journeyed, a community that supports psychedelic experiencers, or it might be a therapist who is trained in the integration process. If you feel like you could benefit from this type of therapy, please know that I am experienced and trained, and feel it to be an honour to help people integrate and strengthen their insights, choices and healing after a journey.